“Remember that happiness is a way of travel - not a destination.” - Roy M. Goodman
Today's itinerary had us taste both the big city life of Hard Rock Cafe and Harrod's Department Store as well as a peaceful walk through Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park. The garden and the park are like a biodome in London. There you will find people doing tai chi, walking their dogs, feeding the birds, reading, skating, bicycling, and generally relaxing amid the scent of lavender and honeysuckle, surrounded by the barks of dogs, the laughter of children, and the various quacks, honks, and chirps of the fowl in and around the water. I'll let the photos speak for themselves today. Let me just say it was a very peaceful walk.
By the way, Hyde Park was originally created by Henry VIII as a private hunting ground. He was a very good horseman and renown in the hunt.

Are there no leash laws in the park? It looks like those dogs are really having fun.